


Follow Timothy on his unwitting adventure through the cosmos to find Lucy and the rest of the “gone missing” by reading Brother 5 by author Ardyce Years.

Available in paperback and e-book on Amazon:

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The Story Behind Brother 5

The Story Behind Brother 5

A story formed as a single thought on a warm autumn day in Mexico. Driving from Caborca to Puerto Penasco over bumpy roads, the jeep was loud, I couldn’t hear the radio or my husband talking. (It’s okay, he likes to talk and repeat himself, so it’s never a problem to catch up at a quieter time.) A what-if scenario incubated, molded into a story, and for a few weeks took several different shapes, most discarded, until put to paper…

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Ardyce Years

Writer, love movies and TV, attempting to make sense of the today's world.

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ” Albert Einstein