by Ardyce Years | Brother 5, From the Books
Timothy hurried out of the house late as usual. He stole a glance at his reflection in the beveled glass on the front door, his bloodshot eyes masked by sunglasses. “I should have left over an hour ago,” he said to the disappointed man staring at him. Some people...
by Ardyce Years | Brother 5, From the Books
“My name is Jed. I find people, I guess you could say I’m a detective of sorts, only search for the unwanted, the forgotten ones. I volunteer to investigate the regulars, reported missing by the people on the street. If I’m lucky I find them before they fade into...
by Ardyce Years | Dancing Above The Moon, From the Books
“Do not make me regret this.” She unsnapped her weapon from her side and aimed a gun at its head. If the creature was dumb enough to attack, she was ready. The Captain pulled the creature’s hood off. Sad, brown eyes bulged from an emaciated face. He raised his eyes to...
by Ardyce Years | Brother 5, From the Books
A group of tattooed males manned the corner by the shelter. Listening to them banter, Timothy thought they acted like a gang rather than people in desperate situations. A recent crisscrossed scar wrapped around the neck of one of the men, suggested someone or...
by Ardyce Years | Dancing Above The Moon, From the Books
“Do I have competition for your goods, Captain?” A wide smile covered the being’s face, vibrant jewels encrusted his oversized forehead. “This is unexpected.” The being carried himself with the confidence and entitlement of royalty. The scales on his spindly arms and...
by Ardyce Years | Brother 5, From the Books
The breeze swept up dust in the middle of the rock circle. Particles of the loose Earth swirled around them. “Go, now!” Jed made a pitiful effort to push him away. “I’m not leaving you in the middle of the desert,” said Timothy. Before Jed could reply a tunnel of...