Timothy hurried out of the house late as usual. He stole a glance at his reflection in the beveled glass on the front door, his bloodshot eyes masked by sunglasses. “I should have left over an hour ago,” he said to the disappointed man staring at him.
Some people drank attempting to escape their demons or drown their sorrows. Timothy drank to ease the boredom.
…With his mom and dad both gone Timothy didn’t give a damn about anything. The house, the company, James, Marla… for some reason Lucy became his only distraction.
…Timothy flashed a grin, which almost always charmed both genders of all ages. He looked younger than his years. He could have been handsome, but his scruffy face hid a firm jaw line. His bushy hair was in need of a trim. A baggy pair of cargo pants and an over-sized hoodie covered a naturally chiseled body, although his only exercise consisted of a short jaunt to the bus stop–and chasing Lucy.
…Timothy shrugged, pretending to be busy shuffling papers. Lucy hadn’t come by for ten days, not since she smiled and touched him. What happened to her? …Heck, I never even asked her real name or tried to talk to her.
Follow Timothy on his unwitting adventure through the cosmos to find Lucy and the rest of the “gone missing” by reading Brother 5 by author Ardyce Years.
Available in paperback and e-book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RC6JULK/