Why I won’t miss Mr. Spock

The passing of Leonard Nimoy has all science fiction fans mourning his loss.  His prolific career ended admirably with a clever appearance as his iconic character, Mr. Spock on 2009’s rebooted Star Trek movie and a  reoccurring role on Fringe as the nefarious William...

Travel Torture

“How far would I travel, to be where you are? How far is the journey from here to a star?” Irving Berlin. Are there organic sources we could harness to travel as individuals beyond the Karmen Line? I would try anything not to wait in Southwest...

Why I Hate Ron Moore

I came late to the Star Trek Generation Party. The darling of science fiction television, (before Battlestar Galactica, of course), became my obsession catching all of the shows on whatever channel happened to be showing it. When TNG, ceased (Why, oh, Why!) I had to...